A Lighthouse of Love in a Stormy World

ORDINARY LIFE - Thoughts and Ideas to Help You Live a Happier Life

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Summary of Ordinary Life for January 26, 2025

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Dear Ones -

Well, you had to be there. I speak of what happened during our time together this week in Ordinary Life. During my teaching I was using the experience of Paul on the Road to Damascus. Just as I uttered the words “he was struck blind,” the loudest crash of thunder and lightning exploded nearby, momentarily knocking the power out. The timing could not have been more perfect.

I called the teaching “A Lighthouse of Love in a Stormy World” and based it on the opening line of one of the narratives we have of Jesus. The line is “here is the good news.” What is that “good news” and what did Jesus hope to accomplish by giving it? My belief, expressed during this talk, is that by learning more about who Jesus was as a historical figure, we can learn more about what it means to live as “ordinary mystics.” The kind of teacher Jesus was can help us understand and live an alternate wisdom in our own time. We have to go beyond the way our culture shapes us to be shaped by our relationship with Sacred Mystery.

That’s a brief summary. Information about how to find the full text and video are below.

The audio/video versions of the talk has some differences from the text I spoke from. You can find the text of the talk, the presentation slides and links to the audio and video version of the talk using the links below.

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Be well and much love,

Bill Kerley

In order to read or download the text version of the talk, click here.

In order to view or download the presentation slides, click here.

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In order to listen to or download the audio recording of today’s talk, please use the audio player below.

In order to watch the video recording of today’s talk, please click on the YouTube video link below.