Reclaiming Jesus and Charter for Compassion

The information coming to us from the various scientific disciplines in the arena called “evolutionary cosmology” is causing us to rethink everything. Two of the tenets that much religion is built on - cosmological dualism and individual salvation - are being shown to be unsupportable. Everything is part of everything, every place is part of every place, every time is part of every time and every person is part of every person.

It is in light of this that I am trying to craft the talks that are currently being offered in Ordinary Life. I want to contribute to the healing of that which is dividing some many cultures and communities. In terms of a “Christian” context I am seeking to raise the question, “What might it mean really to follow Jesus?”

I have introduced to documents to provide guidance in this direction. One is titled “Reclaiming Jesus: A Confession of Faith in a Time of Crisis.” The other is “The Charter of Compassion” that was put into motion by the scholar Karen Armstrong. For people who are unable to attend Ordinary Life in Person and/or for those who would like to access copies of these documents, I am making them available here.

To read or download the “Reclaiming Jesus” document, click here.

To read or download “The Charter for Compassion,” click here.