WEEKLY PODCAST | In Between.155

Are you conscious of the myths you live by or the worldview that shapes you? If so, are you satisfied with it, or do you think it needs revising?

We talk about the myths around which this country seems to operate and lament that most are shaped around individualism. How do we reshape our language to encompass “we-ness” and move away from the singular, separate self? We must be willing to do two things to get to the reality of interbeing (this is Thich Nhat Hanh’s word for interconnectedness). One is to allow the false self - the one that criticizes, feels afraid, or judges others - to die. The other is to break the rules just a wee bit. We must be willing to challenge the status quo, even if we are protected by it. This is part of what it means to move from mythos to logos. Myths are designed to deepen our understanding of reality, not become our reality.

So here is the challenge. Examine your personal and collective myths. Ask yourself which are still relevant and whether they promote or inhibit growth and greater belonging. If they don’t, are you willing to let them go?

Thanks for listening!