Dear Ones -
This week in Ordinary Life spiritual director Brooke Summers-Perry gave an overview/introduction to the Enneagram. There is no text of her talk but she did provide the presentation slides she used. You can access them by clicking here. I tried to take as many notes as possible and will be grateful to rewatch the time when it is available in a few days on the Ordinary Life website. I really appreciated Booke’s light-hearted and engaging way of presenting a wealth of information in a limited amount of time.
If you are interested in more individual time or direction with Booke you can do so by clicking here or by contacting her directly at 713-569-5844. I myself consult with a trained spiritual director on a regular basis and find it invaluable. On the third Saturday of every month she hosts a free monthly practice group for growth-minded folks. For more information, click here.
To register for the upcoming day-long event with Enneagram expert, Suzanne Stabile, click here. You can find out full details on the Ordinary Life website.
Our podcast, “In Between,” can be accessed through the Ordinary Life web site.
If you would like to know how to make a contribution to Ordinary Life, click here for video instructions.
Be well and much love,
Bill Kerley
In order to view or download the presentation slides, click here.
In order the view or download the announcement slides, click here.
If you would like to download or just listen to today’s talk, you can use the audio player below.
To watch the video of today’s talk, use the YouTube link below.